Category :Wildlife

In early August I went for a ride to the North.  Specifically, I was headed for Northfield, which I had ridden through 2 years ago on my way to Brattleboro, VT.  I took pretty much the same route up there, going through the UMass campus into North Amherst, then heading through Leverett and Montague.  At … Read more

The second half of my birthday in Boston involved a lot of aquatic life.  After having lunch I headed to the waterfront, and the New England Aquarium.  I had bought a combo ticket in advance for the aquarium itself and a trip on their whale watch boat. The aquarium had a new exhibit (though the … Read more

On my birthday bike trip, I spent my birthday itself in Boston and its suburbs.  I decided to give myself a break from the bike seat for the day, so I got around on foot and by public transit.  After breakfasting at my hotel, I walked a few blocks through a residential neighborhood to pick … Read more

A while back, I noticed a falcon sitting on the fire escape of an empty building in Holyoke that I pass on the way to work. I took a closer look after work, and saw that there was what looked like a nest in the top landing of the fire escape: In that blurry cell … Read more