An interesting thing (it’s not a quiz, but has the same sort of appeal): What Is Your Battle Cry? Hark! Who is that, prowling across the mountains! It is Sean, hands clutching a studded crowbar! And with a spectacular cry, his voice cometh:“I’m going to flog you in such an inhumane manner, you will polymorph … Read more
So apparently, the US Postal Service has some stamps out that commemorate a few American scientists. I’m not sure how these 4 were selected, but it’s a nice, tasteful set of stamps. While those 4 didn’t do work in evolutionary biology, a need was felt for honoring non-scientists involved in Intelligent Design. Those stamps can … Read more
(I came up with this a year or so ago): “I bought some Riesen for me No, you can’t have any Riesen is the chocolate chew It’s for me, not you…” from “The Riesen”, by Hoobastorck [Note: those not familiar with the original song can hear a sample here, or at the iTunes music store.]
STUDENT: “But Dr. Vader, how do we know the conjecture is true?” DV: “Search your feelings…”