I scored as a non-dyke, though. I find it interesting that my main result is the one man in the bunch (maybe gender is that significant!).
Which Dyke to Watch Out For Are You? created with QuizFarm.com |
You scored as Stuart You are Stuart, partner and co-parent with bi-dyke Sparrow. You believe that values need to be backed up with action, which can make you a bit impulsive at times. Make sure to budget time and money in order to afford the winter-length utili-kilts and Air America Radio shirts you’ve had your eyes on.
It can’t be about gender, since the following people also scored as Stuart:
Alison Bechdel herself!
Yeah, I was being facetious about the significance of gender. I generally feel that gender – or really, biological sex – has much less importance than society thinks in determining who a person is.
In fact, both Alison and Stasa have higher Stuart scores than I do (100% as opposed to 75%).
One thing I wonder is how much one’s Stuart score hinges on the answer to the utili-kilt question. I agreed that they’re cool, but I don’t own any and have never actually worn a kilt myself.