On the fourth day of the trip, I got some takeout breakfast from the Rise N Shine Diner, which was just a few blocks from my lodging. I got the Fruity Pebbles yogurt parfait, which was pretty good, as well as a side of scrambled eggs. As I walked there to pick up my food, I noticed a trash can that seemed to be damaged, as it was bent in a weird way. Then I saw more just like it, and realized that they are intentionally that way (click on any picture to embiggen):

After breakfast I packed up and headed west through the city, eventually getting to trail again on the far side of town. The trail went through a slightly hilly area before settling into a flat path near the water. Some more riding brought me to the Nine-Mile Creek Aqueduct, which was reconstructed in recent years about a century after the original version was dismantled. It carries the (old) canal’s water across Nine-Mile Creek. Here is the bike path/old tow path where it crosses the creek:

And here is the path bridge itself, followed by the aqueduct on the other side of the path bridge:

Those pictures are all looking toward the east. Here is the view to the west as the old canal continues:

Shortly after that I came to a little park type of area on the trail, with an interesting statue.

There were some benches near the statue and plantings. On the other side of the trail, by the water, there was a little platform. Here’s the view west from there:

A little ways further along, as I passed through the town of Port Byron, it began to rain (which had been predicted). I stopped under a picnic shelter to put on my rain gear, including plastic bags to cover the one non-waterproof piece of my luggage. As I was getting geared up, a cyclist passing the other direction stopped and warned me that there would be no shelter for a good ways to come.
That was certainly the case, as the trail ended and the route followed state highway 31 for several miles, past the towns of Montezuma and Savannah. At points during this section, it rained pretty heavily. I was pretty well protected, but still got wet hands, face, and feet. It was not the most pleasant riding, especially when a couple of semis splashed extra water in my face. Eventually the route resumed on stone dust trail, and not too long after that I came into the town of Clyde – in a park called Lauraville Landing. I pulled under a shelter there and took some pics:

At this point the rain had lessened quite a bit. It was about 2:00 in the afternoon, and I was hungry, so I biked over the canal to the downtown area, and ended up getting some takeout from a Chinese restaurant there. I rode with my food back to the same picnic shelter to eat. By the time I was done eating, it had stopped raining, and was slightly warmer, so I took off some layers and continued on my way (which involved heading back north through town, and west on streets).
Another few miles past Clyde, I got back on trail, and noticed a largish turtle on the edge of the path. I stopped to take a picture, and as I did, I realized that the turtle had dug up a bunch of the dirt of the trail:

Just after I took the picture, I saw some eggs drop from the turtle into the hole it had dug. I guess the rainy weather made it easy to dig holes in that surface, so what better place to lay one’s eggs? Later in the day I would see a number more turtles doing the same thing, mostly on the trail edges, but at least one had dug in the middle of the trail. I learned to avoid riding over some filled in holes that I spotted later.
A bit further on, I reached the town of Lyons, which is apparently “The Peppermint Village”:

It seems that the place was the peppermint capital of the world at one point, where peppermint essential oil and other products were produced.
I did some more road riding from there, and noticed that turtles were not the only creatures brought out by the rain. I encountered a number of snails on the shoulder of the road. In some spots it was hard to avoid running over them, though I mostly managed to miss them.

In the late afternoon, when I had been back on trail for a while, I crossed Ganargua Creek. The trail actually crossed it twice in close succession:

Here’s a view after that first crossing:

Soon after this, there was a section where the trail got fairly narrow:

I headed on, making decent time, but as I approached the town of Fairport, it started to rain again, at least lightly. I also was getting hungry, and so needed to stop for dinner before getting to my hotel for the night. I ended up going to a creamery/bakery and getting a tuna salad croissant sandwich. By this point it was dark, and it started to rain a bit harder. Fortunately, there were large trees outside the place, so I was able to eat without getting wet.
From there I continued on the trail with my lights on, making it to the Rochester area, where I turned south, off the path, and made my way on a few roads to my hotel in Henrietta. I got in late, well after 10pm, but the rain had stopped again, and I was just happy to get a shower and such.
Total distance for the day was 98 miles.